Oh yeah, and Soviet Russia being dreadful. Though to what exactly wasn’t entirely clear: something about getting older, something about being a warrior and something about the Cold War. T) under Rocky’s belt, the stakes had changed. And the message? It was clearly trying to, had to, evolve: nine years in, a defeat of Apollo Creed ( Carl Weathers) and Clubber Lang (Mr. The editing and soundtracking had been MTV-ified, with the full-fat franchise chasing the box-office dollars (it remains the most commercially successful Rocky film). By the time we reached Rocky IV in 1985, much had changed: Rocky, now World Champion, had moved from the streets to a gated mansion, crease-free sweaters and respectability as part of the poshing-up package deal. To prove in the ring, and in life, that he wasn’t just a bum (copyright Mickey Goldmill).

The message of 1976’s Oscar-winning Rocky was that for some men, for this man Rocky Balboa ( Sylvester Stallone), it was enough simply to go the distance. Let’s jump straight to the question that is burning a hole in your brain, 14 words in: with 40 minutes of the theatrical version cut (and 42 minutes of new footage added), have the montages – well, okay, one long montage stitched together by a bit of pretty intense acting - survived? Yes, they have! (Some things are worth fighting for! Some feelings never die!)